Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Is it a boy or a girl?

From the moment we found out you were coming, Mommy could not wait to find out if you were a boy or a girl!  Daddy is very patient, and I think he could have waited to find out.  There was no way I could wait!

Our first ultrasound:
You're in there somewhere!  This is pretty early on, so there isn't much to see!

Early tummy pics:
We'll have to update these very soon!

September 28, 2009

Oct. 26, 2009

Nov. 5, 2009

Nov. 20, 2009


Profile Picture
Look at your cute little foot sticking up.  The Ultrasound Technician said you have really long legs!

Alien Baby
Daddy doesn't like it when I call this picture "Alien Baby".  The shadows just look so funny to me!  I can't wait to see what you really look like!

I will never forget the day when we found out you are a boy.  The Ultrasound Technician was very quiet in the beginning.  She was checking everything out.  I kept shaking my leg, and I told her, "We want to know if it's a boy or a girl.  Tell us right away when you know!"
She replied, "You must be patient."
This made me a little mad, but I decided that was her way of telling me she was concentrating, and I should wait until she's ready.
Daddy got to see the screen, and I couldn't see.  I kept mouthing to him, "Can you tell?  Can you tell?"
He just shook his head at me!
Finally, she said, "What do you think it is?  Do you want it to be a boy or a girl?"
I couldn't stand it any longer and now she was asking me questions!!!
I said, "Well, in all of the crazy dreams I've been having, it's a boy!"
She said, "Your dreams are correct.  It's a boy!"
Daddy and I laughed and laughed until we cried.  It was the best day!

Gordie is your protector:
Everyone who knows Gordie knows that he's a pretty relaxed dog.  He doesn't bark, and I'm not so sure he would make the best watchdog.
Since we found out you were coming, Gordie has been very interested in all the changes that have been happening.  He's been wondering why Daddy has been making him sleep on the floor (usually he gets to sleep in the bed next to Mommy).

Daddy snapped these pictures of Gordie protecting you.  He seems so alert.  I wonder what he's thinking!

He really likes to lie right on my tummy next to you.  In this picture, he has his paw on my tummy.  I wonder if he can hear or feel you in there!