Brisco had a bast on his second trip to Arkansas. (His first trip was in his mommy's tummy.)
Some fun family pics:
Brisco looks so sweet in his Razorback onesie.
My three guys in front of Granna and Gigi's house.
We almost got everyone looking at the camera!
But first we had to get there! Brisco did great in the car (most of the way). It seems that the bumpy road (thank you, I-75) really helped him sleep.

Brisco in Michigan.
Brisco in Ohio.
Brisco in Kentucky
Brisco in Tennessee. He loved watching his fish tank while we drove.
Daddy and Gordie rode up front.
Gordie loved having the front seat to himself.
We finally made it! Brisco loved Gigi and Granna's new waterfall. He loved the soothing sounds. I'm definitely getting a much smaller version for his nursery!
Coming soon (I hope): More pics of all the family and friends Brisco got to meet!